Ilmu itu indah
These past few days i am feeling very the stress like dattt~~~
The thing is, i have so many things to do! so many plans, only that... i don't really know where to start...
So basically...
yang paling utama is of cozzz la benda berkenaan studies.
Al-maklumlah exam dah dekaaattt shangattt shangattt...
and Scotland ni, exam die awaaaal if compared to other counties kat UK ni punya U.
Scotland yang gediwks youuu...semua nak buat dulu... *rolleyessambilkipas2muka*
My exam akan habis on the 25th of May. agak lambat la jika dibandingkan dgn my other batchmates di manaaaa mereka ada yang habis 3May pun dah bole naik flight balik msia ke mana2 ke kan. sigh.
oh well.. exam still exam.
And the thing that i wanna focus here is that:
this 'don't-know-where-to-start' syndrome generally occurs to each and everyone of us.
Agree? (yes)
You will have no other choice but to ... well..basically...START SOMEWHERE.
It happens to me.
I mean, Now.
Yeap. NOW!!!
i was procrastinating like...... hell i don't even know like what!!!
and i was sooooooo frustrated and disappointed at myself. i felt like it is as if i managed to achieve NOTHING for the past few weeks! what.a. COMPLETE.WASTE! of living my life that way!
Hence... today! is 'the' day....
'THE" legendary day when i start to flip lots of pagessss in my textbook and start to write colourful notes and understanding things here and there.
And then i realized something.
Sebenanrnye, masa kita procrastinate buang-buang masa tu... mesti otak kita mcm rasa LENGAH gila kan? macam ada laaa 'Qarin' dalam diri ni berkata:
" Lek aaaa..lek luuu lek lu...bnyak masa kottt... exam lagi 3 can digest all of these knowledge of yours in only about one-week time...yo sistaa...i believe in week before exam stat ah study~~~"
Now YOU hear ME, my 'dear precious' (pfffff*infinity*fffffttttt) "QARIN"
That one week will be a lot of 'beribu sesalan' to me ya'know that!!!
trust me... start study awal2 itu sangat 'indah'...
sebab ilmu itu sangat indah! ^^
ni masa I was studying a few hours ago, i had this one sudden conscious mind was at its matured level to think; "Ya Allah... kenapa aku tak start study serious2 dari awal?"
faham tak? sebab lagi korang serious study from the beginning, lagi korang tau bahawasanya apa yang korang 'anggap' korang tau tu..
oh no wait, the word 'korang' is fairly not accurate to address all of us...CHANGE! 'kita ini orang!' (kita)
so! ...lagi kita serious study from the beginning, lagi kita tau bahawasanya apa yang kita 'anggap' kita tau tu, sebenarnye TAK CUKUP!
kita akan rasa mcm NAK LAGI NAK LAGI NAKKK LAGIII!!!
and this thrist and hunger for knowledge is a good sign, a good thing for everyone! ^^ (provided that, we later share and tak tamak ilmu...huhu)
so! nasihat kak Im kepada adik2 di luar sana (tetibe...)
belajarlah serious2 dari awal. kalau rasa malas tu, buang plis2..buang jauh2... and START JUGAK! best kalau smpai satu tahap tgh tekunnnn study tu, mcm x nak stop (stop laa untuk solat and makan and exercise...PASTU SAMBUNG BALIK! hahaha), nanti akan rasa nikmat wohhhh...nikmat mcm kita akan cintaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn dan cintunnn kan ilmu yg kita belajar tu! ^^ insyaAllah.
*this post is a not to myself as well*
dengan ini...saya akhiri dengan...BACA NI BACA NI! BEST!!! tringat pasal 'wonders of the world!!!' wuuuu... mysteriously interesting! ^^:
Surah Al-Kahf, Ayat 109:
"Katakanlah (Muhammad),"Seandainya lautan menjadi tinta untuk (menulis) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, maka pasti habislah lautan itu sebelum selesai (penulisan) kalimat-kalimat Tuhanku, meskipun Kami datangkan tambahan sebanyak itu (pula)"
Ilmu itu LUAS ye adik-adik ...
Jangan give up dalam menimba ilmu2 Tuhan..yeee ^^
SEMUA yg kita belajar SEMUA ilmu Allah kay...
so keep on BELAJAR-ing! ^^
P/S: ayuh train qarin kte jd baikkkkkkk!! =))
and tipah! just out of my curiosity... bleh didik qarin jadi baik eh? how so?