Shop 'till i drop!um..not quite^^ haha!
Hey to ALL!^^
Today i went out with my sister!
to Time Square...nothing much...........
i had made a decision that Times Square will be the place for me to shop for crazy but cheap(berpatutan) clothes ^^...when i'm in the mood to wear wild-fun-interesting clothes, i'll go and shop at Times Square!^^ hahaha! To tell the truth, my kind of place to hang out and to have the best shopping experiences is One Utama and KLCC. FULLSTOP. that's just it. Two AWESOME places for me to shop till i drop!!! since i'll be sitting for SPM examination this just a few couple of months to go~...i just have to slow everything down for a while.I meant, the 'mood' to shop...^^ i have to control it for a while before i let it all out after SPM later! ^^ hahaha!
Now! i went to Ahjumma Bisseoyo's shop and bought my self a...(mysterious)....
preapre to scream people!.............

SHINEE'S ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But i'm not that excited cuz i realized that buying this Shinee's album is not that worthy anyway cuz just now (when i was in Times Square) i have the feeling to shop for clothes more than that i have to shop for entertainment stuff...i'm in the mood to 'Fashion-ise' nowadays ^^...NOT to 'entertain-nise' ^^ hohoho~...(OMG my English grammar is BAD lately! what happened to me!T_T)...i think i'll continue to update more later...i just have to get the 'mood' to write for now...haha! c ya later! ^^
-Im+Micky=Micky Jr. + Forever Love-^^