so tomorrow, i have chemistry~

Modern way of studying~ thru laptop~ haha~ anyway, nie paper trial johor x silap~ hurm...0_0and i dont even know why do i even bother to update my blog at this very critical hour~
i should have been studying by now yeah?
anyway, i am preparing for the worst for tomorrow's paper~
after the addmath incident...i will NEVER...i repeat: NEVER underestimate what to expect in SPM!!!
SPM is NOT EASY!!! get that??? for those who are saying Malaysian syllabus for form 5 students are too easy and we are like babies being spoon fed~ well..u guys are wrong~..huhu~ atleast, for me laaaa...cuz i think SPM is quite hard! and tough! since u will feel the 'pressure' to get all As!!!...unlike the other exams that we have to sit previously~
aiyo~ neverminlaaah~ atleast agama was okay just now...
whoops...i forgot to tell you that i have already changed the way i call 'Agama' should be 'A1-gama' ^^ insyaAllah...can get A1...maybe laa..uuuu~ dont be too over confident laaa i tell ya~ ^^ hurmm...
anyway.. here are some pictures that i wanna share with u of the room of a girl who think Chemistry rocks!!! ^^ hahahaaaaaaaaa!!!
the most 'clean-est est est' study table in the world~
Everybody get down to the floor yeaaaahhh~~~ lalala~ lagu pakat hentam je aku nyanyi nieh~
erk~ lupe nak rotate~ korang rotate la kepala korang sndri yek~ kikiki~~~~~
good luck untuk semua and semoga diberkati esooooooookkk!!! amin