Korea and me
Made it! ^^...
i managed to meet Yeonho~~~
well...he was pretty busy actually
but then again he said to me: "You come to Korea so i come to you"
and then....THERE HE WAS!!! infront of me and he was very VERY embarrased to meet me! face to face! and i was like : "YeonHo...chill~ cool~ everything is going to be ALL RIGHT! ^^"
hahaha!!! funny Yeonho! ^^ REALLY! that was the BEST night of my life! ^^
Yeonho and i met at the Coffee Bean that was located infront of my hotel...^^...
and i was sooo touched that he CAME to meet me!!! even it was like...around 11pm Korean time!!! (about 10pm Malaysian time)...omo~ i was sooo touched that he REALLY put such an effort to meet me!!! huuu~ and i was about to CRY when my dad said "On the 28th of January we HAVE to go to that ski resort~~~" so i thought i couldnt meet with my best penpal!!! and it was soooo NOT fair that my sister managed to meet HER penpal and spent the whole 2 days with him and his friends!!! T_T...so i thought~ I WANNA meet my penpal too!!! and that 27th night!!! i managed!!! ^^ thank youuuuuuuu Yeonho!!! for spending your precious time with me that night!!! ^^ and thanx for the coffee!!! next time when you come to Malaysia...LET ME PAY for your coffee!!! arasso???!!! ^^ >_<...
Yeonho even showed me his AWESOME magic tricks!!! ^^....
i was AMAZED!!! 0-0!!!!!
ah~ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEONHO!!! ^^...
Hope you will do goooood studying in your university!!!
just entered right?!!! ^^ FIGHTSAHA!!! ^^ kikiki~~~...

Other WONDERFUL memory is that...Ji Hoon oppa called me EVERY single night while i was in Korea~ ^^...huuuu~ eventhough he lives in Pusan...and we cannot meet, cuz i was in Seoul~ we still keep in contact by calling and sms-ing each other!!! ^^ and making fun of each other -_-...and THANK YOU Ji Hoon Harabuhji for calling me when i was being a 'hippo' after the whole day of snowboarding~...T_T...snowboarding was EXTREMELY HARD!!! i cant even stand up!!! -_-...Ji Hoon Harabuhji!!! you should try!!! and I CANT WAIT TO CALL YOU A HIPPO AFTER THIS!!! PUHAHAHA!!! ^^ *evil laugh~... but~ thank you sooooo much for calling me almost everynight and disturbing me at around 3.30am in the morning!!! -_-...i told you that i'm a princess and a princess should get her own beauty sleep!!! not like YOU!!! you're the MAID!!! no sleep for maid!!! arasso?!!! ^^...kikiki~....it was soooo FUN to talk to you!!! ^^...hillarious!!! hahaha!!!...

Ahah!!! AND MIN JOO!!!
Min Joo is my long lost sister!!! we are twins!!! but we have never met before!!! but we do spend LOTS of time talking on the phone together!!! not just while i was in Korea...infact, i just called her today!!! from Malaysia all the waaaay to Korea!!! ^^ hahaha!!! i MISS you soooo SOOO AWFULLY SOOO MUCH DEAR SISTER!!! ^^ and i loooooooooove you!!! one day we MUST go travelling together!!! and stay in the same hotel room! okay?!!! HAHAHA!!! ^^...i dont wanna spend my time sending messages to you thru the internet...but i wanna spend my time TALKING to you!!! ^^ hahaha!!!....i have to save some more money...to topup the prepaid for my phone~ JUST to call you!!! puhahaha!!! ^^...this is the love between these two girls!!! sisters!!! hahaha!!! ^^...<3....^^
My visit to Korea this year was a BLAST BLAST BLAST and it was NOT BORING AT ALL!!!...thanks to all of my friends that had made my days!!! i am sooooooo thankful to have you guys as my friends!!! and JI SU my best best BEST BEST BEST friend as well!!!!! oh! i LOVE YOU AS WELL!!! ^^...and Young Hwan~ sorry for late to contact you otherwise we could have planned to meet! OMO~ there are sooo many person that i still didnt manage to meet! T_T i am soooo SORRY! i REALLY HOPE we could keep in touch and WILL meet one day!!! deal? agree?!!! ^^...
but i LOVE Malaysia!!!! ^^...>_<...<3
i managed to meet Yeonho~~~
well...he was pretty busy actually
but then again he said to me: "You come to Korea so i come to you"
and then....THERE HE WAS!!! infront of me and he was very VERY embarrased to meet me! face to face! and i was like : "YeonHo...chill~ cool~ everything is going to be ALL RIGHT! ^^"
hahaha!!! funny Yeonho! ^^ REALLY! that was the BEST night of my life! ^^
Yeonho and i met at the Coffee Bean that was located infront of my hotel...^^...
and i was sooo touched that he CAME to meet me!!! even it was like...around 11pm Korean time!!! (about 10pm Malaysian time)...omo~ i was sooo touched that he REALLY put such an effort to meet me!!! huuu~ and i was about to CRY when my dad said "On the 28th of January we HAVE to go to that ski resort~~~" so i thought i couldnt meet with my best penpal!!! and it was soooo NOT fair that my sister managed to meet HER penpal and spent the whole 2 days with him and his friends!!! T_T...so i thought~ I WANNA meet my penpal too!!! and that 27th night!!! i managed!!! ^^ thank youuuuuuuu Yeonho!!! for spending your precious time with me that night!!! ^^ and thanx for the coffee!!! next time when you come to Malaysia...LET ME PAY for your coffee!!! arasso???!!! ^^ >_<...
Yeonho even showed me his AWESOME magic tricks!!! ^^....
i was AMAZED!!! 0-0!!!!!
ah~ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEONHO!!! ^^...
Hope you will do goooood studying in your university!!!
just entered right?!!! ^^ FIGHTSAHA!!! ^^ kikiki~~~...

Other WONDERFUL memory is that...Ji Hoon oppa called me EVERY single night while i was in Korea~ ^^...huuuu~ eventhough he lives in Pusan...and we cannot meet, cuz i was in Seoul~ we still keep in contact by calling and sms-ing each other!!! ^^ and making fun of each other -_-...and THANK YOU Ji Hoon Harabuhji for calling me when i was being a 'hippo' after the whole day of snowboarding~...T_T...snowboarding was EXTREMELY HARD!!! i cant even stand up!!! -_-...Ji Hoon Harabuhji!!! you should try!!! and I CANT WAIT TO CALL YOU A HIPPO AFTER THIS!!! PUHAHAHA!!! ^^ *evil laugh~... but~ thank you sooooo much for calling me almost everynight and disturbing me at around 3.30am in the morning!!! -_-...i told you that i'm a princess and a princess should get her own beauty sleep!!! not like YOU!!! you're the MAID!!! no sleep for maid!!! arasso?!!! ^^...kikiki~....it was soooo FUN to talk to you!!! ^^...hillarious!!! hahaha!!!...

Ahah!!! AND MIN JOO!!!
Min Joo is my long lost sister!!! we are twins!!! but we have never met before!!! but we do spend LOTS of time talking on the phone together!!! not just while i was in Korea...infact, i just called her today!!! from Malaysia all the waaaay to Korea!!! ^^ hahaha!!! i MISS you soooo SOOO AWFULLY SOOO MUCH DEAR SISTER!!! ^^ and i loooooooooove you!!! one day we MUST go travelling together!!! and stay in the same hotel room! okay?!!! HAHAHA!!! ^^...i dont wanna spend my time sending messages to you thru the internet...but i wanna spend my time TALKING to you!!! ^^ hahaha!!!....i have to save some more money...to topup the prepaid for my phone~ JUST to call you!!! puhahaha!!! ^^...this is the love between these two girls!!! sisters!!! hahaha!!! ^^...<3....^^
My visit to Korea this year was a BLAST BLAST BLAST and it was NOT BORING AT ALL!!!...thanks to all of my friends that had made my days!!! i am sooooooo thankful to have you guys as my friends!!! and JI SU my best best BEST BEST BEST friend as well!!!!! oh! i LOVE YOU AS WELL!!! ^^...and Young Hwan~ sorry for late to contact you otherwise we could have planned to meet! OMO~ there are sooo many person that i still didnt manage to meet! T_T i am soooo SORRY! i REALLY HOPE we could keep in touch and WILL meet one day!!! deal? agree?!!! ^^...
but i LOVE Malaysia!!!! ^^...>_<...<3