A sleepless night.
The title says it all.
I would like to highlight the word 'A' ...because then the meaning would be significantly different if 'A' doesn't exist in that sentence.
I just couldn't bear with not sleeping for nightsss...
I'm the kind of person who appreciates 'sleep' ;)
who doesn't? o.o
i know i shouldn't be doing what i'm currently doing.
I have to finish up my 1500 essay which dues on Tuesday (13th march).
I shouldn't sleep tonight.
The best thing I've achieved so far is : I've typed out the first 667 words!
What a way to motivate oneself eh?
so now i have exactly 833 words to go!
here I am.
Trying to scribble down some random stuff just to make sure i capture this suffering moment of writing an economics essay in this blog of mine so that i can laugh back when i read this post in the future.
ah~ the future. whatever will happen by then.

So here's a random picture of my study table and my essay-making-process.
We're living in this modern world fully equipped with innovative technological devices and all sorts of things, but when it comes to writing an essay, yes, dude, i'll write it MANUALLY. pens and papers FTW!!!
oh and that calculator (the pink one!) is not for solving any advanced university math problems or whatsoever, it is mainly to count how many words left for me to keep on writing. :p
The laptop...yeah..for spontaneous and sudden-emergency-urge to do some research. (and facebook obviously! omg! o.0 )
and ...
what's that botol kicap doing there? 0.o
and no.
i don't drink kicap. o.o