because they are just priceless.
I have never thought about being here, before.

When i was a kid, i have NEVER thought about choosing this path.

Never in my mind i knew i would have a shoulder to cry on...
Never in my life i thought i would meet with the ones that would keep me motivated...
Never in my mind i knew that i would meet awesome people in my life.

Never in my mind i knew i would meet with the ones that i could trust so much. :)

And even when i'm already on that journey (to be where i am today), it never came across my mind that i would achieve SO MUCH in life.

True, I am satisfied. Of everything.
I am not talking about my success in achieving glorious wealth, high status, abundant of knowledge that i could boast around about... nope. (those are not my priority...and never will be)

For me, the most satisfying achievement in my life is when all the small things are patched up together and form something BIG!

Like the love you got from your family and friends.

and here is how the story goes:
10 years ago, I didn't know these people.

10 years ago, i didn't even know they exist.
about 2 years ago, i met these people...
and my impression was: " friends...what's next?"
and now...

they're the best of people in my life :)
I remember i used to hate my college. I didn't want to enroll in that college. If i was given my own choice i would've rather chose a different path, a different institute, a different college...
But then again, it would be TOTALLY different now if i DID choose a different path.
And it's true that Allah knows best.
Most of the time, we just have to rely on Allah and believe that everything will be alright.
and it does.
It turns out to be JUST the way i wanted...
Thank You Allah for everything :)
True, we are girls.
And teeeenyyy tiiinyy cat fights cant be avoided.
It's a complete LIE if i say we could get along so-marvelously WELL among ourselves.
It's a LIE if i say we haven't felt a slight hatred... jealousy... ke-tak-puas-hati-an among ourselves...
But hey... that's the sweetest thing that could have ever happened in our BIG circle of friendship yeah? :) as long as we stay positive with one and another :)
True, sometimes we act like kids.
We fight...we form groups... we gossip... we talk about boys... We whine... We cry... We laugh at our stupid girl-jokes... We try to look good and act like a pro in the kitchen... We wear what we want (and get criticized)... and we take silly pictures of ourselves...

True, we don't always like each other sometimes.
We keep inside, deep within... of what we feel towards one and another.
Eventually, we'll forget those bitter memories because in the end, we're there for one and another.
True, we depend on each other.
we share secrets... we help one and another... we hug... we listen...we sleep together ( i see no wrong in doing this especially on a movie night marathon :p )... we share our food...
Even if we might not be as close as a superduper-bff kinda way with a few of us, but when we feel like talking ... BAM!!! it happens....
and that's the 'thing' about being us, Girls.
I know this sudden-confession might be a bit weird and awkward for some of you girls to accept... :)
I can't do much to portray my love to you,my friends...but i can pray for you all to succeed in life and hereafter :)
and thank you for always being here...there and everywhere. :)
(heeheee...lalalalala...) <<< ego nak cover jiwang rindu kat korang suma tibe2 kan...sighh.haha ^^
x payah mrajok la Ummu...
kan Im kata FB penat tag.. teehee...hahaha