Done for the day :)
I, Hereby, Would like to declare...
That, I, Imtiyaz bt Subhi, have officially been released, from the burden, of having to think about undergoing the process of completing the continuous-existing online tests for this one whole academic year (2011-2012).
*putcha hands up in the air..put..putt puuttcha hands up in the air*
so! after only about a few hours of last minute revision...(with one 'short break , hence explains the silly post i did a few hours ago *scrollsdown*)...
I FINALLY!!! managed to complete my very LAST online test of the year!
yes!!! i have successfully completed my SEM 2-WEEK 11-QUIZ 9 economics online test with flying colours...
Now now...
i know most of you scored so well in your online tests...
but i am happy for another reason.
that is... no more worries... and last-minute revision JUST for the sake of completing these small tests which you have to do, online.
There. :)

OMG... the cropped picture is too small i guess?
here. try another one.

Well..sorry. can't help with the setting or re sizing the print-screen of the result. haha
anyhow... This second picture is what a happy child's report card looks like. :)
well! NOW! i'm all set to pack and have a good holiday with my sister! yay!
Oh yeah, and just to boast about my newly-found-innovative invention...

I figured out that textbooks can come in handy when you're too lazy to stand up, and walk yourself to the kitchen to get yourself a plate or a whatever alas for your food. :)
Kertas might work as well.
C'mon...we're students... live the way students do!!! yeahhh!!!
(ish ish ish...anak dara tak senonoh... :p )
(ish ish ish...anak dara tak senonoh... :p )
*this sort of behavior is only reflected during an exam period. Time-consuming activities shall not be entertained...hence the laziness or..should i say... the efficient alternative actions done to avoid wasting precious time...opportunity cost, remember?*