So i know this is silly.
But apparently this is what i usually do once my brain stops functioning normally...
I observe things in detail. And with 'detail' i mean... in 'D-E-T-A-I-L' ...
got what i mean?
Fine .. here's an example:
Like today i was supposed to finish revising chapter 6 of my macroeconomics textbook. Chapter 6 is all about unemployment.
But i figured something that isn't related to unemployment at all (topic-wise...now DON'T go and attack me with some economical facts stating how the circulation of the economy does involve unemployment and other macro-factors.. i know that. ok. but for the sake of typing something silly in this blog.. let's just keep everything simple and direct to the point!) NOW! where was I???
so! i figured something that is not related to unemployment at all... as in... the 'thing' that hit me and made me feel slightly 'amazed' is something that i found from another chapter in the textbook.

Oh my life! I am part of the economy!
Oh life life life... *flattered*
I am: the IMported goods and services!
though imported and importing things do not really reflect the positiveness in an economy...but... whatever... I . AM. STILL. PART. OF. THE. ECONOMY!!!
GO IM!!! ^^
so. that's it.
*continues with unemployment*